One Day, a Project : Peter Hall Performing Arts Centre by Haworth Tompkins

Haworthtompkins Peter hall performing arts centre
Photography by Philip Vile

Heading across the Channel. Exit the Brexit *pom pom pom pom*, it’s architecture we’ll be talking about today.

We’re starting with an artistic program of about 2000m², with a theatre, a cafeteria and a rehearsal room. Neither too big nor too small. From the plan, you can feel the strong lines, induced by the choice of materials (mineral + wood) and efficient circulation. The north facade, open on the park, is distinguished by skillfully proportioned horizontals. The relationship “home” outside is ensured by multiple doors skillfully designed (and I like the layout).

Without falling into too much of a wood/concrete project, we are here in soft shades, a kind of delicate watercolor found in the furniture (feel free to browse the architect’s website, the details are worth the effort).

Finally, I couldn’t miss the brick (especially since a short weekend in Milan), soberly exploited to offer a natural ventilation to the building as well as a reminder of the context in which it fits.

In short, a little “One day a project” as we like them !

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